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All Martial Arts are Good for Everyone. It ain't matter if you're Black or White. Study Kickboxing or Capoira or Taekwondo.

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Q: What is the best martial art for a black man?
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Which Chinese is the best in martial arts?

the best chinese martial art in my opinion is wing chun kung fu and the best martial arts teacher of this style would either be ip man or sum nung

Who is the best martial art man?

"Best" is a matter of opinion, and a million different contributors here could give you a million different answers. Chances are, the most knowledgeable, and skilled Martial Artists are those who are not famous, and you might never meet or know their name unless you are fortunate enough to become a student of theirs. Philosophically speaking, the "best" martial art man or woman is the one who, out of humility, does not claim to be the best, and who is concerned with more important matters than labeling someone as being the best. Their answer to this question might be "you are the best.... now focus on training, and become what you were meant to be."

Where were martial arts originated?

Most places have some type of martial art. The were created anywhere that man had conflict with other men.

Do men find women who do Mixed Martial Arts attractive?

It depends on the man's opinions of female beauty. I believe the general consensus for an attractive female martial arts practictioner is an athletic build with a toned body. The confidence of the man will determine if they feel threatened by the abilities of the female or turned on. I once dated a black belt in Taekwondo because she was a black belt. The dedication to her art was attractive to me because I was dedicated to mine.

What are opinions on the best martial arts to participate in?

Martial ArtsEach art has its own specialty. Some feel that Karate is best for defense, Judo is best for wrestling, Tae Kwon Do is best for multiple opponents due to its use of kicks, etc. There is no art that can be considered the best all-round one. An old wise man once said, "The best thing to do is to not get in a fight."Which Martial Art?The one that you will study and train in. The number of arts that exist are so varied and different, that to claim one is better then the rest shows a lack of understanding of any of them. There is an art out there that is the best for you as an individual. Finding your art is part of the martial arts journey. Once you have studied for a long time, you will realize how similar they really are to each other, and understand the weaknesses and strengths of the art you chose.What's the Best Defense?I asked my Tai-Chi instructor that question over 20 years ago. What he told me still holds true today. He was a man who had over 80 years of martial arts training and had experienced literally hundreds of different styles of martial arts. His answer... "A good pair of Nike's." The best way to defend yourself is to not allow yourself to be in situations that would necessitate the use of force.WikiAnswers contributors add their opinions:If you want to go for a martial art that is practical for self- defense, effective, fast and simple to learn, has the least amount of movement, does not require brute strength, and based on principles and not techniques, the answer is wing chun.I don't think boxing is the largest in the US. I can go to at least twenty martial art schools within 20 miles of my house, but only know one boxing school in the area. According to FICA, there are an estimated 2.5 million judo practitioners in the world. The American Taekwondo Association has 1500 schools world wide. Sorry, don't buy it.There is really no good answer to that question. Martial arts are needed on basis of needs, specific things the person might want to learn or culture. Kung fu has been the most complete one in its original form back in the shaoling temple. I have seen catalogs of schools that teach this and the 72 main doctrines for shaolin monks in China. This of course could be mighty costly money speaking. people intrested in swordsmanship utilizing Japanese swords would be good to chooce iaido.The list goes on an on but here is the one I will recomend anyone looking for a good martial art. Aikido. you learn how to defend yourself using the energy force of your enemy when he enters your inner circle. The harder the attack the fastes he falls. Once you reach a level you are tought the sword. This is the one I highly recommend.As for the answer on the best defense as it is very true and I could have answered the same but the question did not ask what was the best defense but the best martial art. But that is indeed very true and I congratulate the person for bringuing it up.i believe myself that wing chun is the bes martial art no other martial art can compare it aikido is very god as well but would have go with wing chun.P.S this is someone else editing this.I believe shotokan karate is also very good but martial arts have their own specialty.

What martial art is used by Natalia Romanova in Iron Man 2?

mostly mma,assassination techniques and she says she did some boxing earlier in the movie

Who is Hwaorang in Tekken?

Hwaorang is a Korean man that is a professional of the martial art Tae-Kwon-Doe, he keeps his goal to beat Jin Kazama, as his rival.

Who is the best at Kung Fu?

Obviously its Donnie Yen! Watch his best Chinese Martial Arts movies: Ip Man 1&2!

Which martial arts are practiced by Yip Man?

Yip Man was a well-known Chinese martial artist, who passed away in 1972 at the age of 79. The martial arts that he practiced were mixed martial arts.

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Jacob Black is Bella's 'best man' but Carisle is Edward's best man. So the official best man at the wedding is Carlisle.

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== == Burning Man is an annual art event and temporary community based on radical self expression and self-reliance in the Black Rock Desert of Nevada. The best answer is to go to the website and read it for yourself:

Is Sean c Ellis an expert at martial arts?

yes, we have learned that sean c ellis mega rich 34 year old italian businessman is in fact an expert at martial arts. he is an expert in the art of muay thai which he learned long ago in thailand. he spent 4years of extensive training and studying this art. it is a very dangerous art . he can within 3 seconds with one move, kill a person, with another move he can permantly disable a person, with another move he can temporarily disable a person. he is also authorized to teach it. again, this is a very dangerous martial art and we have been told by those who have seen him in action with this martial art, that no man should ever challenge ellis.