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Depends on your build and how much money you want to spend. Padilla and Son's, and Killer Bee Gi seem to be the best value for the money. You can get a quality gi from either company for under 100$ that will hold up as long as any of the 250$ Gi's.

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1y ago

There are many brands and different types of Gi out there in the market. What you want to buy will depend on your requirements and how much you are willing to spend on it. There are so many options out there you can choose from.

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Q: What is the best bjj gi to buy?
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What is the most expensive Jiu jitsu gi?

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What does gi mean in bjj?

The Gi is a uniform traditionally worn in BJJ. It originated in Japan and is usually worn by other traditional martial arts in the East. The Gi, which means “dress or clothing” is generally made of a thick cotton jacket, reinforced drawstring pants, and a rank-signifying belt.

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You should buy according to what your deck needs.

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Where is the best place to buy yu gi oh cards?

wal-mart and ebay

What is the best website to buy yu-gi-oh cards?

The best website for me is were u can sell ur cards or buy from others. hope this helps. :) :)

What is shoyoroll?

It is considered to be one of the most famous brands for jiu-jitsu in the whole world. It is an American jiu-jitsu brand that designs casual apparel, BJJ gi, and accessories. Its headquarter is in California.

Where can you buy the best yu- gi- oh cards in stores?

If you buy yu gi oh cards in really old stores, all their cards are a limitation of fakes. Cards like this don`t have good quality and the image of the card is really unclear. The best way to get yu - gi -oh cards is by going to stores which dosen`t look old and cranky. It will be a easy way in getting rare yu gi oh cards, such as the 3 mythic demon cards.

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Where can you buy yu gi oh?

You can buy Yu Gi Oh cards from department store. Game Workshops Stores and on the internet. Basically anywhere.

Can you order Yu-Gi-Oh cards from Yu-Gi-Oh wikia?

No. But it is a good place to find out information but the best places to buy cards are: Trade cards online, Amazon (for decks) ebay and the best store us probably dark spear in london.