Pre Menstrual Stress. Its an imbalance in hormones in women before and during the start of their period that can cause them to become imbalanced and irrational. Along with some going absolutely crazy.
You dont ypu have to deal with it or u can tell ur mom and a few friends when u get ur pieriod and tell them to tell u that u r PMSing and to chill there is no way to stop from PMSing
there is blood in your underwear
Be supportive. : )
Only if it is PMSing.
because she goes to her worst thought and thinks that you don't lke her anymore and thinks that you are neglecting her. it is that or she is pmsing.
There's no parts in any of the books that says she goes through her menstrual cycle.
You arent feeling very good or that you might of ate something bad.
We know it just as much as you do. But to us it feels natural like were really in a bad mood and want to be left alone.
Hard to say... If you are PMSing that day, just stay home. Nobody want to deal with a b***h.
yes, she probably is.
1. Being calm- Sometimes when girls are pmsing, they say weird things that they don't mean. Men should just play along with what the girl is talking about. 2. Being patient- The girl might have a hard time adjusting to new things, so men should stay steady and patient. 3. Understanding- For some men, it's easy to figure out if the girl is pmsing. Men should try their best to understand the girls situation and be empathatic. 4. Helpful- The girl might feel lazy or sad while she's pmsing, so men should lend a helping hand.
Your friend is probably pmsing so buy them some chocolate and then steer clear of them for about a week. Be prepared for them to turn on you at any moment. They can be very dangerous at times like these.