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Q: What is martial property?
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If a home was purchased prior to a marriage and mostly paid for prior to the marriage but was the sole residence of the family for 16 years can the home be considered martial property?

"Martial" or "marital"? Martial implies the marriage was so bad that the military had to be called in to keep the peace. Marital is what you are referring to...

How can you use martial in a sentence?

Karate is a famous martial art; the mayor declared martial law after rioting broke out.

How do you use the word Martial martial in a sentence?

After the disaster, the government enacted martial law.

How do you use martial in a compound sentence?

Our neighbor has a very martial attitude to resolving problems, he prefers to attack and conquer. He had a martial demeanor, very disciplined and confident. He had a martial stride. The building had a martial look to it and as it turns out that it was once an armory. The band played MARTIAL music.

When did Martial die?

Martial died in 102.

Who participates in martial arts?

Martial Artists

How tall is Martial Audilon?

Martial Audilon is 6'.

What are the significant characteristics of arnis martial arts that make it different from other martial arts?

the Arni's Martial Arts have a rattan stick. while the other martial arts have no weapon

What are the significant characteristic of arnis martial arts that make it different from other martial atrs?

the Arni's martial arts have a rattan stick. while the other martial arts have no weapon

Why it is possible not to stop martial law?

Martial law is declared by people in authority. Therefore, only those same people can stop martial law.

What is Martial's birthday?

Martial was born on March 1, 40.

When was Martial born?

Martial was born on March 1, 40.