Shaking hands with the opponent.
Congratulating yourself and your teammates.
Being a graceful weiner.
I think it depends on the competition and how important winning is to the competitor. Personally, I think the value of competing is not to "win" but to encourage people to try their hardest. Not to be the best of everyone, but the best they can be. It's ridiculously hard to be the best at something, and almost a game of luck. There will be hundreds, thousands, maybe millions of people competing to be the best at a certain thing. But there's only one of you. becoming the best you can be , while difficult, is easily possible if you're determined and hard working.
Why is it important to you?
not when it comes to winning championships
It comes with a stipend.
It comes with a stipend.
no trying is more important
to be able to aquire anything
It was important for them because they were so dumb.
It was important for them because they were so dumb.
Not to everyone.
My name is gaylord and she was important my winning a Grammy award
who said that winning war was not important for a ruler to become great
Winning battles was important.