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The purple belt is higher in rank than the blue belt, but of course some schools don't have a purple belt, so there you advance straight from blue to red. Just as a key of advice for differing between belt ranks the darker the belt most likely the higher the rank.

That depends on the school and style in question. My style does not have purple or blue belts. In some schools, blue is the highest rank (instead of black).

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

It depends on your style. There are some schools that have a purple belt to indicate a rank in their progression of learning.

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it just depends on the shade of blue and purple. if it is a dark purple and a light blue, then the light blue would have a higher intensity. if you look at any shade, the one that is brighter has the higher intensity of the two.

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put the horizontal belt on dip it in the purple paint take that belt offput on the vertical belt dip it in purple. leave that belt on and put on the other belt on to so both belts are on!dip it in the blue and you get the blue ball with purple strips and white square!!!

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What is higher in karate blue belt or a purple belt?

That depends entirely on the school and style. They can vary greatly in the colors and designs used. It would be better to ask what Kyu or Gup the students are. The lower the number, the higher the rank. Even then it can be difficult to determine, particularly if one school has 12 ranks and the other only six.

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Purple Belt = 퍼플 벨트

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