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Depends on the skill of each.

hands to the head our highly more realistic in a fight because they are much faster and don't wear you out as fast.

But then again we take into the effect that someone in karate not only knows how to use their hands but their feet as well.

Therefore it depends on the skill of the fighters. And that fight is one I'd watch anytime.

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14y ago

In my opinion, if their was someone performing karate and someone performing aikido and they were both equally as good as each other, aikido would win. It would win because karate gives a lot of punches or kicks that are easy to catch and then get thrown onto the ground.

I believe that it will be more dependent on the skill of the practitioners then the art. There are so many variables that it would not be easy to say. Karate practitioners also learn grappling techniques.

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13y ago

I would think a kickboxer, because the can kick. On the other hand, a boxer might have a more powerful punch, but I think a kickboxer.

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11y ago

Its not about the Martial Arts. Its about who is practicing it and by how much hard work. The one who takes his sport more seriously will always win.

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