It's a special kind of polymer, related to nylon, woven in certain patterns that enhance its ability to absorb and redirect the energy from a bullet.
Note, that Kevlar (and all related materials) aren't really bullet "proof", rather they are bullet "resistant". They resist the passage of a bullet - for certain size and speed bullets, this resistance is enough to prevent it passing through the material, but for others, the bullet still retains enough energy to penetrate the material. Thus, all bullet resistant materials and designs are rated according to the type of bullet they are able to stop.
Kevlar fabric
Bullet-proof vests are made of Kevlar as are motorcycle re-enforcement pads. Kevlar is extremely strong weave of synthetic fibre which has the added feature of being flexible.
Answer is Kevlar.
Kevlar is quite common but there may be other materials used also.
Bullet proof Vests
Kevlar is one of the best and well known bullet proof materials. it was originally made to be a material to make a tire but when they made it it was stronger than they thought it would be.
they both save you from death? bullet proof vests are made of kevlar if that helps...
Kevlar is one of the best and well known bullet proof materials. it was originally made to be a material to make a tire but when they made it it was stronger than they thought it would be.
The best-known bullet-proof material is probably Kevlar.
1927 kevlar was invented by stephanie kwolec
Kevlar is a very dense polyamide. It has a high tensile strength, making it useful in several ways, such as bullet-proof vests.
The protective plates, depending on the age of it, will be steel, ceramics, or kevlar.