

What is ailing?

Updated: 9/27/2023
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βˆ™ 15y ago

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unsound or troubled: a financially ailing corporation.----

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 9y ago

Ailing means "sick", "poorly", or "unwell".

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What is an adjectives for ail?

ailing as in "my ailing grandmother"

Is this how you spell ailing?

That is the correct spelling for "ailing" (sick, ill).

When was Liu Ailing born?

Liu Ailing was born in 1967.

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Ailing William = ill will

What is a sentence for ailing?

My ailing son was sick last week and looked very pale.

What is a sentence using ailing?

The doctor said my ailing mother had roughly 3 years to live.

How do you put ailing in a sentence?

Example sentence - Her elderly aunt had been ailing for years prior to her hospitalization.

What does ail or ailing mean?

"Ail" or "ailing" means when someone is ill. In the past, "ailing" also included the frail elderly. Now, most people just use the work "ill" or "sick".

Can you write a sentence using ailing?

Yes-- The woman was ailing due to her serious illness and the tragedies of days past.

How to console for ailing parent?

One way to console for a person's ailing parent is to let the person know you are praying for them.

How can we save the ailing earth from vehicular pollution?

What makes you think the earth is ailing? Cars pollute less today than they every have.

What does ailing mean in this sentence he was ailing so he stayed home from school and went to the doctor?

He was sick, ill, under the weather, had an ailment.