A walkout bout is a boxing match that takes place after the main event has ended. It gets its name from the fact that many fans leave after the main event and are 'walking out' of the arena as the match is going on.
The duration of Walkout - film - is 2 hours.
Walkout - film - was created on 2006-03-18.
The Walkout - 1923 was released on: USA: 16 September 1923
Walkout - 2006 TV is rated/received certificates of: Finland:K-13
Many schools all across the USA participated in the walkout. The school I live closest to South Fayette participated.
The cast of The Walkout - 1923 includes: Sammy Brooks as The Boss James Finlayson as Agitator Noah Young as Agitator
before the patient leaves the office.
'That's What It Is' by Planet Asia and DJ Muggs
DMX - Aint No Sunshine
It is a bout of illness.A bout is a short period of activity (e.g. a boxing bout) ora brief period of illness. (a bout of 'flu)Or, one could say, he's recovering from a rough bout (a struggle) with a viral infection.
all together i think 57 but some of them weren't very active.