CTR- Choose the Right Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believe that one's symbol of their belief is inherent in the lives they lead and the examples that they set. As holy writ states: "Show me thy faith without thy works and I will show thee my faith by my works ... for faith without works is dead."
The Aramaic symbol for "believe" is ܡܳܟ݂ܰܬ݁ܝ (mekati).
I Believe in u.
Muslims don't have good luck symbol. They don't believe in bad and good luck. they believe that whatever happens to humans, bad or good, is a consequence of
I believe it is tether
The realm of Silenus is the "god of wine and revelry", and I believe the symbol to be "drunkenness" however, I am not positive about the symbol.
Would you believe - a SNOWFLAKE !
I believe it represents purity.
I believe it's an "a" with a dash though it.
I believe it was AHO
it is the symbol for courage and unity, much like we like to believe America is