The activity itself is referred to as Sumo, but it the competition itself can be refereed to as a sumo bout.
The important tournaments are called Basho.
in the West Edo
sumo wrestling... check it out on wikipedia.
a sumo ring is called a Dohyo
It is wrestling cuz its called sumo wrestling
What English-speakers think of when they say "sumo" (i.e. heavyset men wrestling) is also called "sumo" in Japanese. Basically, sumo is sumo!
A sumo referee is called a gyoji. Their name is either Shikimori or Kimura.
No, they actually fight by skill level. Weight is not factored into the competition.
The elders in sumo wrestling are known as toshiyori.
A Japanese official Sumo Tournament is called 本場所 /hon ba sho/.
The bout is called a match in sumo wrestling. It would occur during a tournament or basho.
Women are allowed to sumo wrestle but they can only compete at the amateur level. Women are not allowed to touch the sumo wrestling ring or enter professional sumo competition. This is due to the belief that women touching the wrestling ring will make the dohyo not pure.