A surgeon
The gloves that Rosalie wears in the kitchen have a floral pattern.
Galoshes, garters, gauntlets (dress gloves), girdle, gloves, golf shoes and gown are clothing items. They begin with the letter g.
The goalie
Yes be like my dad he wears gloves like that
Boxer, prize fighter, pugilist.
Mark Calaway, also-known-as The Undertaker, wears Primetime MMA gloves (Model: PT900 Stopper Gloves). He wears both open and closed palm. I too use these gloves and they are great. They are about $50 USD per pair. You can order them at www.primetimefighter.com
Floyd Mayweather wears Grant boxing gloves.
IP wears Black and Sanpo wears white.
a person who fights a bull a person who fights a bull
Why does it even matter dude? (But, he wears blue gloves at home and white ones away.)