Kama is the name of the Martial Arts weapon that was based on the hand scythe used to harvest rice and straw. It is L shaped and has a sharp inside edge on the metal short side and a solid wooden handle.
Akoni Kama's birth name is Akoni Keoni Kama.
Laity Kama was born in 1939.
Garden of Kama was created in 1942.
KAMA - AM - was created on 1985-04-18.
Kfar Kama was created in 1876.
Kama Ginkas was born in 1941.
The population of Kfar Kama is 2,900.
Tana Kama- anynomus voice of the Gemara
Nripa Kama II was born in 1026.
Garden of Kama has 188 pages.
The Kama Sutra was written by Mallanāga Vātsyāyana.
Kama is a river in Russia and is the Hindu god of love.