whina coopers iwi is muriwhenua
Iwi Hauraki was born on 1987-07-07.
Te Puea Kirihaehae Katipa nee Tāwhiao is from the Waikato iwi of Tainui.
Mete Kingi Paetahi is affiliated with the NgΔpuhi iwi in New Zealand.
Te Puea Kirihaehae Katipa nee Tāwhiao is from the Waikato iwi of Tainui.
Her mother was Ngati Mahuta and her father was Ngati Apakura, both Iwi of Waikato, Tainui.
Stan Walker is a Maori Australian idol winner and his iwi is ngapuhi go hard gee
The translation of the Maori phrase "he iwi tahi tatou" is "we are one people."
Ngati porou
The maori word for nation or tribe is 'Iwi'. Iwi are derived from the great waka (canoe)by which they arrived in New Zealand from Hawaiki; for example the Tainui Iwi of Waikato and the King country are descendants of people who journeyed to Aotearoa (NZ) on the Tainui canoe. Iwi are divided into tribes and sub-tribes (hapu) and extended family groups (whanau). Tangata whenua is a name Maori use to describe themselves which simply means 'people of the land'.