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A jab is a straight punch delivered with the lead hand... If you are in a proper stance, this would be the hand closer to your opponent. For a right handed fighter, the jab is thrown with the left hand. For a southpaw, the jab is thrown with the right hand.

A jab should be thrown with full arm extension, quickly out and then back in to the boxer's guard. It is important that after throwing the jab, you pull it back immediately into the defensive position. While the jab is a great weapon because of its quickness, it can become a liability if the motion(s) made after making contact are not rapid and concise. Slowly pulling the jab back after throwing it ("leaving it out there" in boxing parlance) leaves the right handed boxer highly vulnerable to an opponent's right cross (or a southpaw opponent's right hook) while it leaves the lefty vulnerable to an opponent's left hook (or, again, if the opponent is also a southpaw- the straight left cross of the opponent) ... The same rules apply to "dropping" the jab; in other words, throwing the jab and then lowering the lead hand on the way back to a defensive position... this, too, makes you vulnerable... (see Max Schmeling KO12 Joe Louis for the most famous example of this)

A jab can also contain a little extra "oomph" when the boxer steps forward with the lead foot while throwing it (i.e. a "step jab") ... this makes the jab sting considerably and it is something that Joe Louis would later master after his failing against Schmeling. The downside of this method of course is that the jab is not as quick and can not be doubled-up or tripled-up in the same fashion as a more traditional jab. Besides Louis, one can see exemplars of the art of the step-jab in the examples of Sonny Liston, Ike Quartey and Matthew Saad Muhammad, Carlos Monzon, Sandy Saddler and Marvelous Marvin Hagler. Ken Norton also made good use of this weapon as a counterpunch, most notably against Muhammad Ali.

Among the most notable masters of the art of the traditional jab are Larry Holmes, Sugar Ray Robinson, Thomas Hearns, Muhammad Ali (though, he dropped it constantly and made up for it with great reflexes), Ezzard Charles, Harold Johnson, Pernell Whitaker and Bob Foster.

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What kind of jab are you talking about? I think perhaps you need to be clearer.

Which heavyweight boxer had the fastest jab?

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It's whan you blow a boxer. Stab, Jab, Uppercut, Hook

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Punch is the term mainly used in Boxing. Basically there are 4 kinds of punches in boxing jab, straight right or left hand, hook and uppercut.

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The best way to be defensive while boxing is to keep moving laterally and keep your hands up. It is also an excellent idea to jab while retreating and clinch if your opponent gets too close.

Why is a hook in boxing is normally more powerful than a quick jab?

In boxing (and most martial arts), a jab is performed by sticking out the leading fist with the muscles of the arm and shoulder. A hook, by contrast, uses all of these muscles, plus many more in the core and even the legs to twist the body and drive the punch to its target. Thus, because the hook uses more muscles, it tends to be more powerful.

How many basic types of punches in boxing?

There are basically 3 types of punches in Boxing: JAB HOOK UPPERCUT & also there are rabbit punches but these punches are banned or not allowed and may lead to a disqualification. Sid

When was Jab Jab Phool Khile created?

Jab Jab Phool Khile was created in 1965.

How would you describe the one inch punch?

Its basically a modified old time Boxing jab, fired as a Wing Chun punch. In modern Boxing, the jab is a sharp stinging blow with only the power of the pectoral and front deltoid muscles behind the snap. However, in "golden age" boxing, boxing as it was taught from the 30's to 50's, the Jab is thrown by "pushing" with the rear leg, as the stance back then was a little narrower. The theory behind this, is that it can not only sharpen the sting, but if you master the propelling with the rear leg, said snap may even result in a knock out later in the fight if the other guy took enough damage. Bruce Lee modified it, in that instead of using a jab, he used Wing Chun's diaphragm punch, a very common attack across all Kung Fu styles that targets the diaphragm. Virtually all Kung styles use a punch, aimed just below the sternum, if it hits with enough force, because it can take so much wind out it can result in unconsciousness.

What are the ratings and certificates for Jab Jab Phool Khile - 1965?

Jab Jab Phool Khile - 1965 is rated/received certificates of: India:U

What is the most effective punch in boxing?

Effective for what? Setting up a combination? That would be the jab. Effective at rendering the other person unconscious? A hook or overhand to the jaw/chin. Power punch has force!

How tall is Jab?

Jab is 195 cm.