There is a few different bee motto's. The most popular bee motto is "float like a butterfly sting like a bee".
A Bee motto is "Hope is the only bee that makes honey without flowers."
The motto of National Bible Bee is 'Family Discipleship, One verse at a time.'.
Academy Independent School District's motto is 'there is love in every bee'.
Which model Bee Bee gun?
the difference between a bee and a bee is "and"
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A Spelling Bee
Some fun bee puns are: O-bee Wan Kenobee Beauty is in the eye of the Bee-holder Bee-ware the ides of March To bee or not to bee
Knock knock, who's there, bee, bee who?, bee happy it's just me knocking!
The joke where the punch line is Boo Bee is: 'WHAT KIND OF 'BEE' GIVES MILK? A 'BOO' BEE!
bee's eg the bee's wings - the wings of the (one) bee
The feminine of a bee is a worker bee. A male bee is a drone. All hives have one queen bee in charge.