Taekwondo practitioners are sometimes called taekwondoka, but this is not Korean. It is a an attempt to use the Japanese model for judo practitioners who are called judoka = 유도가. Taekwondo practitioners might ought to be called taekwondoga, 태권도가 , but this is not a common usage. The suffixe -ka or -ga refer to a martial artist, as taekwondo is more popular as a sport than an art a more approprite term maybe taekwondo seon-soo (선수 ). Taekwondo practitioners are most commonly referred to as taekwondoins (태권도인), pronounced "taekwondoeen," and sometimes romanized that way and many other ways. It literally means taekwondo person.
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The Korean terms used for an instructor will vary depending on the training, certification, and position of the instructor within a Dojang (Taekwondo school), or a parent organization. Instructor-ship training and certification is separate from rank advancement, except that most organizations require a minimum rank before being eligible to hold each level of instructor's title (IE: 1st Degree Black Belt for assistant Instructor, 2nd Degree for Instructor, 3rd Degree for Sr. Instructor, 4th to 6th Degree for a Master, and 8th or 9th Degree for a Grandmaster; or 1st-3rd Degree Black Belt for assistant Instructor, 4th-6th Degree for Instructor, 7th-8th Degree for a Master, and 9th Degree for a Grandmaster).
Titles of Instructors are awarded by the Black Belt's own instructor or Sr. Grandmaster and are only valid within their school or organization, however, upon transfer to another school, credit for previous legitimate credentials might be accepted.
Each name for an instructor is typically followed with the suffix "nim" (님)which is the honorific form meaning "sir" or "ma'am" used when a junior is addressing a senior. Spelling of Korean Hangeul (written language) translated to English is phonetic (how it sounds) and might vary from school to school, but the standard modern Romanization is as follows:
조교 = Jokyo ("joe - kyoe") = Assistant Instructor
(Honorific) 조교님 Jokyonim
교사 = Gyosa ("gyoe - sah") = Instructor (sometimes "Kyo sa")
(Honorific) 교사님 Gyosanim
사범 = Sabeom ("Sah - buhm") = Master (also "sabum", "sabom", "sahbuhm")
(Honorific) 사범님 Sabeomnim
(like a school Master - the one senior instructor or head of the Dojang (school).
관장 = Kwanjang ("Kwahn - jahng") = Grandmaster (or head of Kwan)
(Honorific) 관장님 Kwanjangnim
(Kwanjang means director or superintendent, like the head of an organization, superintendent of schools, or the Dean of a University. In Taekwondo, it is viewed as the teacher of Masters, and is usually reserved for the one senior ranking Grandmaster who is head of a particular organization or group of schools. A group of schools under one founder or leader is called a "Kwan," therefore the head of the Kwan is the Kwanjangnim.)
In Taekwondo, the Korean term for a belt itself is ddi ("ddee" 띠). The color black is gameun ("gahm-eun" 검은) A belt that is the color black could be called "gameun ddi" (검은띠)
A person that is a holder of the black belt degree is considered an "expert" and is called a yudanja ("yew-dahn-jah" 유단자 ).
Each of the levels of Black Belt are called dan ("dahn" 단). There are 9 active degrees of the Black Belt in Taekwondo with the 10th degree being an honorary, or retired rank, or one awarded posthumously.
The names of each degree are as follows:
1st degree - Il dan 일 단
2nd degree - Yi dan 이 단
3rd degree - Sam dan 삼 단
4th degree - Sa dan 사 단
5th degree - Oh dan 오 단
6th degree - Yuk dan 육 단
7th degree - Chil dan 칠 단
8th degree - Pal dan 팔 단
9th degree - Gu dan 구 단
10th degree - Sip dan 십 단
It is important to note that a "Black Belt" ("ddi") is a piece of material that can be purchased and worn without regard for actual knowledge or skill. A "Black Belt Degree" ("dan") is a rank that should only be awarded legitimately by an genuine Master of Taekwondo through an accredited association. A Black Belt degree does not equal an Instructor's degree, thus holding the rank of Black Belt does not qualify an individual to teach the art without additional training and proper certification as an Instructor.
This is an interesting and challenging question because of the word "plays." For many years, Japanese Judo was marketed as a "sport" and its practitioners were called "Judo Players" or "Judoka," and its participants were said to "play" judo.
Taekwondo is first, and foremost a Martial Art, and most experts do not say that we "play" Taekwondo, nor that we are "players." However, there is a modified application of some Taekwondo skills under specific sport rules that allow for Taekwondo competition in tournaments. The "sport" of Taekwondo does have athletes which might be called "Players."
Conversely, practitioners of the Korean Martial Art itself are sometimes referred to as "Taekwondoin" or "Taekwondoists." Either of these two are acceptable. In the Korean language, a "student" is called "Haksaeng" (학생), and a Black Belt Holder is referred to as a Yudanja (유단자), one who possesses a degree or an "expert."
Most commonly referred to as a Taekwondo student, or practitioner. In Korean language, the term haksaeng (학생) means student. The frequently used term of "Taekwondoin" is widely accepted as a person who studies Taekwondo.
In English terms, many prefer to use "Taekwondoist" or "Taekwondoin."
In Korean terms haksaeng (학생) means "student," and jeja (제자) means "disciple."
Taekwondoin is a word used to call every person practicing Tae Kwon Do, simply like Karateka, Judoka, or Aikidoka in the Japanese equivalent.