In Spanish style bullfighting both the Matador and banderillero normally encounter the quarry on foot. The Portuguese brand of Bull fighting, called Rejon ( no exact translation) is more cavalry-oriented. actual engagement of battle is on horseback.
The matador kills the bull.
Matador means 'one who kills' in reference to the matador being the torrero who kills the bull.
Torero is the generic term for anyone involved in the bullfight but matador refers to the man responsible for the artistic cape work and for killing the bull.
If a matador is unable to kill the bull because of a serious injury or death, one of the other matadores kills the bull. It is usually the senior matador who kills the bull and he does it with no fanfare.
The matador is the torero (bullfighter) who kills the bull.
The matador is the torero (bullfighter) who kills the bull.
The matador, the torero who kills the bull, is the star of the bullfight.
"El toro" means "the bull", and "el matador" is "the bull fighter", literally meaning "the killer", the one with the sword and small cape who actually kills the bull.
Torero is the generic term for anyone involved in the bullfight but matador refers to the man responsible for the artistic cape work and for killing the bull.
The matador wears a traje de luces - a suit of lights.
Francisco Romero was the first matador to fight a bull on foot in about the year 1726.
Matador is Spanish for 'one who kills.' A matador de toros is 'one who kills bulls.'