His WWF entrance song was Accident.
His Total Non-stop Action entrance song was Bang Bang by Dale Oliver.
His WWE entrance song was Wreck.
your mom sings mick foleys entrance music
me lol
Mick Foley's TNA theme song is called "Bang Bang" and is composed by Dale Oliver
mick foleys real name is mick francis foley
rat foley and bogey foley
TNA merchandiser shop
mankind dude love and (my personal favorite) cactus jack
He was wrestling in Japan and the ropes over there are rough, and it ripped it right of his head.
its on wwe.com under wwe mobile Go to http://www.wrestlingmediaworld.com or try their forums.
It is well documented that mankind is one of the multiple (four to be precise) mick foley personalities (along with mick foley, cactus jack and dude love) as far as i am aware the only mick foley entrance with its own unique music is that of dude love. Mick Foley, Cactus Jack and Mankind all have the same entrance music
The answer is Itunes the song is called if you smell.