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Gangnam Style or The Dougie

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Q: What is Eric young entrance theme?
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What is tna wrestler Eric young's theme song?

Its the Young Fresh Fellows Theme.

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Jeff Jarrett's entrance theme is: My World

What is the title of Candice Michelle's theme entrance?

For downloading Candice Michelle theme entrance in mp3 format and also for Candice Michelle entrance lyrics

What is wwe randy ortons entrance theme called?

Randy Orton's current entrance theme is called 'Voices'

Who performs Jeff Jarrett's TNA entrance theme?

Dale Oliver preforms Jeff Jarrett's entrance theme.

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Their entrance theme is "Break It Down"

What is Edge's entrance song wikianswerscomQWhat is Edge's entrance song?

Edge's entrance theme is 'Metalingus' by Alter Bridge.

Who sings Jeff jarrett's entrance theme?

He does

Randy ortons entrance?

If you want to know his entrance theme is "Voices" by Rev Theory

What is Eric Young's birthday?

Eric Young was born on December 15, 1979.

When was Eric Young born?

Eric Young was born on December 15, 1979.

When did Eric Templeton Young die?

Eric Templeton Young died in 1915.