'Ali Muhammad Hasan 'Imari has written:
'Al- Sira' al-adabi' -- subject(s): History and criticism, Arabic literature
Paavo Imari Ravila has written: 'Johdatus kielihistoriaan' -- subject(s): Historical linguistics
Imari means "King" in swahili..
Imari Obadele died in 2010.
Imari Obadele was born in 1930.
Imari Tsuji's birth name is Tamako Tsuji.
Imari Tsuji was born on March 20, 1921, in Tokyo, Japan.
Products that are associated with the Imari brand are beauty products. Imari products are made by Avon and the line includes perfume, deodorant and body powder.
imari's cousin
no he is single
Kutani, Imari, or Arita.
no.that is just a rumor. Everybody knows that he does not have a girlfriend.