He has been hit so many times he had brain damage and his speech was affected and he walked with a studder
Muslims of Subcontinent gave this title to Muhammad Ali Jinnah. Quaid e Azam means Great Leader. Muhammad Ali Jinnah truly deserved this title.
his mentor Elijah Muhammad gave it him after he won the world title. had ali been defeated by liston, Elijah would have disowned him.
Hazrat ali r.a gave him (pbuh) a last bathafter his (pbuh) death.
Muhammad Ali married to Sonji Roi in 1964 Muhammad Ali married to Belinda Boyd in 1967 Muhammad Ali married to Veronica Porché Ali in 1977 Muhammad Ali married to Yolanda Williams in 1986
Muhammad ali
Muhammad Ali.
No, Muhammad Ali is not single.
Ali Nasir Muhammad was born in 1939.
Muhammad Ali
is Muhammad Ali
Muhammad Ali is more famous in terms of boxing
Muhammad Ali's brother's name is 50 cent