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It's more than equipment only. You are talking a Whole-ball-of-wax. Equipment would be: A Ring. Boxing Gloves. Gause to wrap hands. With the Ring you are talking corner stools. You are talking Judges tables. You are talking the material needed to score the contest. You are talking the Mike-set-up for the announcements. You are talking and arena and all involved in that respect (lighting/ heating a.s.f.); Your boxer(s) need their ring garb; and their Cups and their boxing shoes. If it is an amateur production regulation headgear will be requirement. You are having an audience, you are talking fold out chairs, possibly. You need spit buckets at the ready. You could have siccors for cutting off handwraps quickly after a match (just have them, handy). This probably isn't the whole list, either. Be well advised.

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12y ago
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11y ago

The basic equipment for boxing T-shirt, socks, shoes, Hand wraps Bag Gloves and Heavy Bag for training with a partner you will also need Headgear Mouth guard Sparring gloves and Groin protector.

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11y ago

Kickboxing is a type of boxing that originated in Japan. Kickboxing is unlike regular boxing because both the hands and feet are used. Some of the equipment recommended for this sport is a mouth guard, boxing gloves and shin pads.

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16y ago

A pair of 8 oz leather glove. a pair of silk shorts and shoes.

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12y ago

They must wear a groin protector, gum shield, boxing gloves and shorts.

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12y ago

your fists and your legs or else you will fall over...

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13y ago

boxing gloves

you need shorts

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Is kick boxing fake?

No kick boxing is not fake.

Is kick boxing real or fake?

Kick boxing, also called Muay Thai, is very real.

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Hod do you sell kick boxing in spanish

Is kick boxing arobic or anerobic?

Kick boxing is arobic. The difference is in kick boxing you are all ways movng for a long period of time. If kick boxing was anearobic you would only fight for a half minute or a full minute.

What equipment is needed to take up boxing?

The equipment needed for Boxing are boxing gloves, body protection, and the training equipment required for practice.

What is kick boxing called in Japan?

Japanese Kickboxing

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boxing , running , wrestling , boating , swiming.

Where can one get some training equipment for kick boxing?

"Kickboxing equipment can be purchased through a fitness equipment retailer, or online through sources such as Ebay, or Craig's List. Many also choose to purchase used equipment; a good resource for used kickboxing equipment is Kijiji."

Where does kick-boxing rank in popularity as a sport?

KICK-Boxing? Without a doubt not in the top 10. Football, Boxing, Soccer, Basketball, Baseball, Golf, Hockey, Tennis, NASCAR, INDY Racing. Are all more popular than Kick-Boxing. If you are just talking about BOXING, and not KICK-Boxing than Boxing would rank 4th (Football, Baseball, and Basketball would be ahead) Around the world it would rank 3rd (Soccer and Basketball)

What is the Japanese equivalent of kick boxing?

If you mean 'Do they do Kick Boxing in Japan' the answer would be yes. If you mean what is the martial art native to Japan the way kick boxing is native to Thailand, I would believe it is jujitsu, or perhaps aikido, or even aido.

What is the French word for kick boxing?

The French have a style of martial arts called Savate. It involves kicking moves similar to kick boxing.

Who is the number one female kickboxer in the world?

Kathy Long was kick-boxing first "sex Symbol". The Mia St. John of kick-boxing. Looked more like a blond surfer girl from southern California then a champion kick-boxer. Dominated women's kick-boxing in the 1980s. Retired with a 18-1 kick-boxing record. Fought briefly as a professional boxer with mixed results...