Sashime is the name for slices of raw fish, usually served with rice and available at most sushi bars. It doesn't have a counterpart in Karate.
karate is Japanese
Karate is a Japanese word.
Karate is a Japanese world, so it would be said the same way. The Japanese word for child is kodomo.
Japanese karate was a branch of Okinawa karate. Gichen Funikoshi came to Japan in the 1930's to demonstrate the art. He remained for the rest of his life to teach what is now known as Shodokan Karate.
Karate literally means empty hand in Japanese.
No. It is Japanese.
Karate blocks are called uke in Japanese. We pronounce it as "ooke"
It is counted in Japanese
Karate student translates to 空手の生徒 (karate no seito) in Japanese.
sono karate kiddo is waga honmei Japanese
Yes, "Karate" should be capitalized as it is a proper noun referring to the Japanese martial art.