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It is one of the tenets of Funikoshi. Karate must begin and end with respect. It is one of the reasons we bow at the beginning and end of a class.

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Q: What does karate end with?
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The song is "You Gotta Be" by Des'Ree.

What is the name of the song at the end of the karate kid?

Never Say Never

What is the name for the song at the end of the movie Karate Kid?

'Never Say Never.'

What does a karate bow mean?

A karate bow is used to show respect to your teacher (sensai) and elders. We say it osu. A karate bow is also done before the start and end of class, a bout or kata.

What is the best karate movie?

try karate kid, it is very funny... hope i helped

How many karate kid movies have there been?

There were 4: 1)Karate Kid 2)Karate Kid Part 2 3)Karate Kid part 3 4)The next Karate Kid.