This, in the most basic sense, means to do a proper strike (fast, powerful, accurate) to one of the various pressure points on the body of the opponent. It also means to teach self-discipline and a new way of looking at conflict.
You do one technique, and then another.
It can be interpreted in two ways. Focus can be the ability to place all of one's power and force into a very small area. It can also mean the concentration to learn and progress in the art.
super rimpei. It is the highest goju ryu kata The one that you do the best! Technique, focus and power are more important than the specific kata you do.
hit your opponent before they hit you
While they are both martial arts and subscribe to many of the same philosophies, they differ in their primary focus. Karate focus is on striking and hitting. Ju jitsu concentrates on grappling.
Wm. Bruce Abbott has written: 'Impact characteristics of the karate strike and thrust technique' -- subject(s): Karate
Mawatte means to turn in Karate.
I would say it does because both sports focus on flexibility and strength and by doing gymnastics it will make karate easier.
Karate is very good for girls. Some of my best students are girls. They have good focus and learn well.
Breaking a pile of tiles in a single blow requires precise technique, focus, speed, and power. The karate practitioner must align their body properly, generate maximum force through hip rotation and proper striking technique, and focus their energy on breaking through the tiles at a specific point to achieve the desired result. It also requires mental preparation and confidence to commit fully to the strike.
If you mean the direction 'right', we call it migi in karate.
The spine.