Matadors say "Toro", which is "Bull" to entice the animal. They also say "ole."
Ole' - when the audience is pleased they will shout Ole' with each cape pass completed by the matador.
A bullfight cry is a traditional shout of encouragement or excitement from the crowd during a bullfight. It is often used to acknowledge a particularly impressive or skilled maneuver by the matador.
Matador is 5' 8".
Gored, if he has been stabbed with one of the horns. matador herido or matador jodido
The duration of The Matador is 1.6 hours.
A Matador
Matador means 'one who kills' in reference to the matador being the torrero who kills the bull.
Matador is Spanish for 'one who kills.' A matador de toros is 'one who kills bulls.'
The Matador Club was created in 1964.
American Matador was created in 1993.
Matador Records was created in 1989.
AMC Matador was created in 1971.