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A martial art school can be called many things, including an academy, gym, or studio. Often times, if the Martial Art is specifically of Asian Martial Art lineage, the term of the native language is used. In Japanese, the term is Dojo, used frequently in many countries around the world for the teaching of Judo, Aikido, Jujutsu, and Japanese Karate-do. In Korea, the term is Dojang, which is the proper term commonly used world wide in Taekwondo, Hapkido, and other Korean Martial Art systems.

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13y ago

a dojo

The room for learning is a dojo, well that's what my sensei called it I don't know if you can call the entire building a dojo or not though.

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14y ago

the judo which literally means fighting the place where you practice Martial Arts is called a dojo which literally means "Place of the Way"

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Martial arts is a violent past time and children should not practice it.

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{| |- | The first person who won a fight. They passed down the technique to others. As more people fought, they learned more about what worked and what didn't. Eventually they became the martial arts we practice today. |}

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The simplest way is to do a web search in your community. The old fashioned yellow pages can work as well.

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How can you practice martial arts?

There is no specific way to do it. To practice Martial Arts, you first need a good teacher, then passion, and, last of all, lots of hard work. It is not recommended to try and practice them at home as there is a 90% chance you will get hurt.

What made people invent martial arts?

The conflict between people lead to the development of martial arts. They were designed for use in combat.