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Q: What do the druids of the Undertaker sing Is there a translation in English thanks?
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In English, it means, "Thanks, dad for the phone."

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Many thanksThe Spanish phrase "muchas gracias" means "thank you very much" in English. The phrase can also mean many thanks in English. There are several websites that translate Spanish into English such as Smartling.

Undertaker and john cena make a good team?

Thanks. I'm sure they do.

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Thanks, it doesn't matter and see you soon.

What is Das Nichts zu danken in English?

"Not bad, thank you " is the correct translation.

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What is the English translation of the phrase 'Cortes de cabello'?

The translation thanks to Google translates is haircuts. Translated into Khemer they say 'cabello cortes'. Thailand pronounce it with a slight variation 'Cabello Cortes de'.

Thanks for sharing in German?

Aktie is the translation in German. It is translated from English to German. German is mostly spoken in the European countries.

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Google translates it from Italian as.... "all ok and arrived this afternoon thanks"