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Muhammad Ali grew up as a Baptist despite his father being a Methodist. But his mother wanted him to grow up Baptist. He became Muslim in the mid 1960's after visiting Nation of Islam (NOI) temples in Miami, Florida.

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Q: What did Muhammad grow up believing?
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Where did Muhammad grow up?

Ali grew up in Louisville Kentucky 1942-1960

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How did Muhammad ali grow up?

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Foundations of Islamic?

The foundations of Islam are also known as Pillars of Islam. Believing in the oneness of Allah (GOD) Believing in His Books, Qur'an, Torah, Zaboor , Injeel Believing in the Prophethood of All the prophets From Adam to Muhammad including Moses Peace be upon him and Jesus peace be upon him. Believing Muhammad Peace be upon him as the Last and Final messanger of Allah. Believing Quran as the Last and Final Revelation of Allah. Believing in Angels. Believing in Day of Resurrection and Judgment. i.e Life after death. Believing in Hell and Heaven. Believing in Predestination and free will

Is prophet Muhammad's father Muslim?

Yes, he was Muslim. He died before birth of prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Accordingly, Prophet Muhammad's father died before the prophesy of prophet Muhammad and before God revelation of Quran to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). However, his father was believing in God (Allah). His father name is Abdullah which is an Arabic name that means 'slave of Allah (God)'.

Who is the division of Islamic community believing their leader should be a relative of the Prophet Muhammad?

The Shiites group. Refer to question below for morte information.

Division of Islamic community believing their leader should be a relative of the Prophet Muhammad?

They are called Shiites. refer to related question for more information.

What are the ayats from Quran stating the witness power of God?

So know (O Muhammad SAW) that Lâ ilâha ill-Allâh (none has the right to be worshipped but Allâh), and ask forgiveness for your sin, and also for (the sin of) believing men and believing women. And Allâh knows well your moving about, and your place of rest (in your homes). (Muhammad 47:19)

What should you do as a muslim?

believing that there is no God but Allah believing Muhammad (PBUH) is messenger of Allah doing every day praying (5 pray each near 5 min) fast one month per year and having good morals and deeds

What are the two teachings of Muhammad?

the two basic islamic teachings are only worship the allah and never associate any thing to him and submission to orders Allah and believing the here after world .

Who said it is easy to believe in other people believing in yourself is the hard part Believing in yourself means you are growing up?
