Boxing themeRingside Table, Boxing Barricade, Judge's Bell, Weight Bench, Red Corner, Blue Corner, 2 Neutral Corners, Boxing Mat, Speed Bag, SandbagWallpaper: Ringside SeatingFlooring: Boxing Ring Mat.
red is for red blue is for blue white is reff
red and blue becomes purple. It makes purple.
The question is not clear; the answer depends on whether you interpret "the blue part" to mean: 1) the part of the blue square that is still visible after the red square is placed on top of it, or 2) the entire blue square, including the part that is under the red square. In case 1, the answer is "they are equal." In case 2, the answer is "the red part has half the area of the blue part."
Unfortunately there is NO working cheat for it as of yet. All the listed cheats for that costume have proven to be utterly false. So, as of yet, the only way to actually get it is to complete all 180 Challenges.
The color, andI think it is blue ifhot and red if cold..I dunno. Hope this helps ;D
Start by putting the blue circles in 3 corners and the 4th in the bottom right 2 pegs over then the 2 large purple go in the upper right diagional. at the bottom there with be red, yellow red, red. the top will have Blue, green whiteon top of white, purple then red on red last blue. Theres more but I hope this will help alittle.
red and blue
You mean silver gloves well it's ecsacly like the blue and red gloves but it's a different colour.
then blue would be red and red would be blue
make a triangle on your paint palete and start by placing red, yellow, and blue in those 3 corners. That's it!