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It is believed that a form of bullfighting was introduced to Spain during the reign of Roman Emperor Claudius nearly 2000 years ago. Over the centuries the practice evolved into what we know today. When the Spanish conquered and colonized an area they introduced the spectacle, especially in parts of the Americas.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

It is believed that a form of bullfighting was introduced to Spain during the reign of Roman Emperor Claudius nearly 2000 years ago. Over the centuries the practice evolved into what we know today. When the Spanish conquered and colonized an area they introduced the spectacle, especially in parts of the Americas.

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Q: What country did bullfighting come from?
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What country has bullfighting that starts with an S?

Spain has bullfights.

What country was bullfighting in?

I believe the country bullfighting was in was...Spain, but I'm not sure.

What European country is best known for bullfighting?

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Spain is the country of both flamenco and bullfights.

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Since 1521, when Spanish conquistadores conquered Mexico and began to colonize it, bringing with them most of their traditions, including bullfighting.

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What country beginning with 'S' has bullfighting in nearly every city.?

Spain has bullfights.

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Bullfighting only occurred in colonial Cuba and in rare occasions after that. Bullfighting has been outlawed in Cuba.

In what country did bullfighting begin?

its roots r in rome but present day bull fighting started in Spain

What sports are related to bullfighting?

None. Bullfighting is not considered a sport but an art form.

Why is Spain famous for bullfighting?

Bullfighting in its current form developed in Spain although many ancient cultures had some form of bull taunting or bullfighting.