It's basically .308 in diameter, however that does not mean it is the same as what is called .308. .308 is 7.62x51mm and is much more powerful.
$250-$350, depending on condition.
i will buy it for 1500 cash puls 20oz of weed
.40 S&W cartridge, bullet diameter = .401" .380 ACP cartridge, bullet diameter = .355-.356" .32 ACP cartridge, bullet diameter = .311 - .312"
Usually, no. the .220 Swift cartridge is quite a bit longer, and has a larger cartridge head.
i saw one at a local gun shop for $370 sporter model w/ thumb hole
The 6.8 mm SPC is a new cartridge being considered by the US military. About the same length as the current 5.56 cartridge used in the M16 rifle, it has a fatter bullet- about .277 caliber.
"The .223 Remington is a sporting cartridge with almost the same external dimensions as the 5.56x45mm NATO military cartridge."In short, 223 IS the caliber- .223 inches
The M16A4 assault rifle is chambered for the 5.56x45mmNATO cartridge, which is of the .223 caliber.
Any 30 caliber cartridge is equivalent to 7 mm.
It is the caliber of the cartridge used by Great Britain for many years in their military rifles. It is a rimmed cartridge.
If you mean how long is the cartridge for an AK47, it's 39 millimeters long. The caliber 7.62x39mm.