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in boxing which weight category comes in between flyweight and feather weight?

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Q: What boxing weight class is between bantamweight and lightweight?
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What is a bantamweight?

A bantamweight is a weight in boxing and other sports between flyweight and featherweight - in boxing this ranges between 112 and 118 pounds.

What is bantamweight?

A bantamweight is a weight in boxing and other sports between flyweight and featherweight - in boxing this ranges between 112 and 118 pounds.

How many weight classes are there in amateur boxing?

(Professional Men's Boxing) Minimumweight Light Flyweight Flyweight Super flyweight Bantamweight Super bantamweight Featherweight Super featherweight Lightweight Super lightweight Welterweight Super welterweight Middleweight Super middleweight Light heavyweight Cruiserweight Heavyweight

What is bantamweight and what weights does it include?

The boxing weight class between 112 and 118 pounds.

What are the boxing weight divisions called?

From lightest to heaviest: Strawweight Light Flyweight Flyweight Super Flyweight Bantamweight Super Bantamweight Featherweight Super Featherweight Lightweight Super Lightweight Welterweight Super Welterweight Middleweight Super Middleweight Light Heavyweight Cruiserweight Heavyweight The names varies in each organization. ie: Super Welterweight could also be call Junior Middleweight.

What are the different weight categories in boxing in kg?

Weights listed are the upper limit. All are in KGs. Heavyweight - 200 Cruiserweight - 175 Light Heavyweight - 168 Super Middleweight - 160 Middleweight - 154 Super welterweight - 147 Welterweight - 140 Super lightweight - 135 lightweight - 130 Super featherweight - 126 Featherweight - 122 Super bantamweight - 118 Bantamweight - 115 Super flyweight - 112 Flyweight - 108

What are the weight classifications in boxing?

WHEN BOXING WAS AT ITS BEST:FLY WEIGHT,BANTAM,FEATHER,LIGHT,WELTER, MIDDLE,LIGHT HEAVY,AND HEAVY WEIGHT. 8 IN ALL.NOW IT IS RIDICULOUS FLY, SUPER FLY.BANTAM,SUPERBANAM,FEATHER,SUPER FEATHER ON AND ON.TOTAL 16. SOME OF THE DIFFERENCES ARE ONLY A FEW LBS.strawweight / minimumweight / mini flyweight (105 pounds limit)light flyweight / jr flyweight (108 ibs)flyweight (112)jr bantamweight / super flyweight (115)bantamweight (118)jr featherweight / super bantamweight (122)featherweight (126)jr lightweight / super featherweight (130)lightweight (135)jr welterweight / super lightweight (140)welter (147)jr middle / super welter (154)middle (160)super middle (168)light heavyweight (175)cruiserweight (200, although 10 years ago the weight limit was 195 except for the wba who had the limit at 190 ibs)heavyweight (over 200)

How many weight divisionsin boxing?

16; strawweight jr flyweight flyweight jr bantamweight (super flyweight) bantamweight jr featherweight ( super bantam) featherweight jr light light jr welter welter jr middle middle super middle light heavy heavy

How much does a feather weight fighter weigh?

There are a minimum of six governing bodies in pro and amateur boxing. They all have varying weight classes and are too numerous to mention. See the attached link,

Do you arrange boxers by weight?

In boxing, there are three types of weight categories for boxers (lightweight, light heavyweight, and heavyweight.) Lightweight boxers weigh a maximum of 145lbs, light heavyweights weigh a maximum of 175lbs, and heavyweights weigh a maximum of 235lbs.

What weight classes does boxing have?

heavyweight ~ above 200 ibs cruiserweight ~ not over 200 lightheavyweight ~ not over 175 supermiddleweight ~ not over 168 middleweight ~ not over 160 jr middleweight (super welterweight) ~ not over 154 welterweight ~ not over 147 jr welterweight (super lightweight) ~ not over 140 lightweight ~ not over 135 jr lightweight (super featherweight) ~ not over 130 featherweight ~ not over 126 jr featherweight (super bantamweight) ~ not over 122 bantamweight ~ not over 118 jr bantamweight (super flyweight) ~ not over 115 flyweight ~ 112 jr flyweight ~ 108 mini flyweight (so called by the ibf), minimumweight (wba) straw weight (wbc) ~ 105

What weight is crusier weight in boxing?

it is between light-heavy weight and heavy weight (between 176-200lbs)