Hawks can be found in a number of different biomes. You really must specify more on what kind of hawk.
Fox and hawk. No snakes in the tundra.
they live in the forest biome
They live in a freshwater biome.
yes it does live in the marine biome
Which biome does a pink mucket live in?
the BIOME is deciduos
a dessert biome
The biome that jellyfish live in is the ocean or the deep sea.
Yes hawks do live in WI. The Sharp-shinned Hawk, Cooper's Hawk, Northern Goshawk, Harris Hawk, Red-shouldered, Hawk Broad-winged, Hawk Swainson's, Hawk Red-tailed, Hawk Ferruginnous Hawk Rough-legged Hawk all live in WI.
tundra biome
Forest biome
A marine biome.