

Best Answer

The knowledge of pressure points in the Martial Art is a serious, and potentially dangerous skill. While the internet is filled with sources of data, void of any personal direction, guidance, or integrity, any responsible expert in this field knows that this kind of information should not be imparted without proper instruction, and safety guidelines. Sometimes, the best information anyone on the internet can offer is not the answer to the question, but where to seek qualified training on a subject that will result in an improved understanding of the art and skill.

Find a certified teacher in your area who has this knowledge, and get personal instructions to avoid potential serious injury through misuses, or misunderstanding.

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Q: What are the pressure points that cause paralysis?
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Can blood pressure cause a paralysis?

yes it can. If high blood pressure is left untreated, it can cause paralysis, loss of bodily function and motor skills are the result.

Paralyse with pressure points?

Applying pressure to certain points on the body can cause pain or discomfort, but it is not a reliable method for inducing paralysis. Paralysis is typically caused by damage to the nerves or spinal cord, and cannot be achieved through pressure points alone. It is important to seek advice from a medical professional for any concerns about paralysis.

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What cannot cause paralysis in a dog?

bananas cannot cause paralysis in dogs.

What happens when your brain swells?

When the brain swells it can come in direct contact with a person's skull. The pressure can cause paralysis for the patient.

How do you temporarily paralyze someone?

Temporarily Paralyzing SomeonePlaces exist on the body called pressure points. Pressure points can be used to cause temporary paralysis, but it can also result in permanent paralysis or death. If anyone wants to attempt to use pressure points to cause temporary paralysis, proper training is necessary. Even with proper training, there is no guarantee that permanent paralysis or death will not result from this method.

How long does it take for facial paralysis to disappear?

It depends on the cause of the paralysis.

What can cause Polio?

Paralysis of the limbs. In some cases, it can cause paralysis of the chest muscles making breathing difficult. It can even cause death.

Give a sentence using the word paralysis?

There are some diseases that can cause paralysis.

Does the move shock wave cause paralysis in Pokemon soul silver?

No, Shock Wave can't cause paralysis in any of the games.

Which of these diseases can cause permanent paralysis?

Polio and Guillain-Barre syndrome are two diseases that can potentially cause permanent paralysis due to damage to the nerves and muscles. Other conditions such as spinal cord injuries or certain autoimmune disorders can also lead to permanent paralysis.

do you know the pressure points of girls?

Pressure points are pretty much the same for both male and female. The only difference is the reaction they have on the male or the female. A males pressure points can cause pain or make it so they can not move certain parts of there body.