*a cheap replica is made of ''stainless steel'' and is very brittle
*a good tameshigri practicing katana is made from ''carbon steel'' witch is very strong and flexible but still affordable
*a REAL traditionally made katana is made from ''tameshigri'' a very and i mean VERY rare metal today it is made in a giant forge witch takes 75 long hours to make this steel is still made today BUT there is only 1 place left in Japan that makes this rare and amazing steel only the best of the best svordsmiths can get their hands on this metal and is only allowed for Javanese svordsmiths to have.
and if you want such a sword you will have to go to japan your self and pay a fortune for it
ps: it is incredibly rare that someone actually someone got to buy this kind of sword
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Kendo uses mainly two swords; the most common is the shinai (竹刀; lit. bamboo sabre) that is made of four bamboo slats tied together by pieces of leather, the other is the bokuto (木刀; lit. wooden sabre) or bokken (木剣; lit. wooden sword) and is made of solid wood (usually oak).
The shinai is used for actual practise (duels and stuff), it's shape is designed solely for the purpose of safety and thus it doesn't really look like a real sword, but it's the best way to do some impact-practise in kendo without severely injuring someone.
The bokuto is basically a katana made of solid wood, it was created to be a cheaper substitute to the steel sword (back in samurai days you wouldn't want to waste your katana in a training session) and it tries to simulate a steel sword in almost every aspect. In modern kendo, the bokuto is used mainly in kataand other non-impact exercises. The use of the bokuto mantains the kendoka closer to the feeling of the real katana.
Experienced kendokas can also use real katana instead of bokuto, and it's called shinken (真剣) when it's sharp.
They are used as weapons and the kendo sticks are "baboo swords" and shillelagh is a top half of a hand stick that's the simplist way to explain.
Kendo is a sporting event that is common in Japan and other nations throughout the world. In this event two opponents using bamboo swords challenge each other in a variety of martial arts practices. The best Kendo player is Shannon Mikuni, captain of the USA Kendo team.
Depending on your actual definition of Martial Arts, the first was actually boxing matches and training held in ancient Egypt as depicted on their hieroglyphics. In no way is Kendo any where near being the oldest art.
Its called Kendo. You use a Kendo stick made of bamboo and other material.
Sumo; a type of wrestling and Kendo; a form of training for Sword fighting. In ancient times Kendo was the basic samurai training. It has developed into a sport now; although swords are not used a bamboo shinai (which represents the sword) is used.
Kendo was developed by a group of Kenjutsu teachers. It was made up mainly of Ono-ha Itto Ryu Kenjutsu.
{| |- | The martial art of Kendo is fought with wooden cane swords. It is a way of putting swordmanship to the test without deaths. If the practitioner were to use a real sword, there would be very few fights! |}
Samurai swords are from Japan. The swords were made of hardened steel.
Japanese technique of swordsmanship is called Kenjutsu, which literally means "fencing" ("ken" stands for sword and "jutsu" is technique or art). Modernly "Japanese Fencing" is a term used to describe Kendo, a modern form of fencing focused on philosophical and sportive aspects of swordsmanship.Kendo utilizes armor and blunt swords, counting points for attacks properly made in the allowed targets in similar fashion to European modern fencing. The basic difference between Kendo and Fencing, besides the different origins, is that the kendoka(as is called one who practises Kendo) is supposed to practice Kendo more as a philosophical martial art than as a sport.
Kendo Rage happened in 1993.
Kendo Nagasaki is 6' 2".