The Ultimate Warrior in 1985 started Wrestling. In 1986 he was known as the Dingo Warrior and debuted at WCW events in Dallas. He left wrestling in 1991 just to come back in 1992.
Ric Bassman
career highlights
Vince Mcmahon
He was a heel VERY early in his career as a part of the Blade Runners Tag-Team (With Steve Borden who went on to become Sting). But when he became 'The Ultimate Warrior', he didn't portray a heel ever since.
Career highlights are the points in a person's career that are memorable or important. Highlights can be awards that were received or memorable occasions like promotions.
Some of George Gershwin's career highlights are creating his songs. most likely because most of his career was WCW...or other promoters he was only in wwe/wwf for like 4 or 5 years out of his almost 20 yr career
Steve Sting Borden has had a long career before tna in WCW he was in a tagteam with the Ultimate Warrior called the Blade Runners
a wrestler
i have no freakin clue!!!!!! ----
Henry Ford's career was to make ford cars