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You can't. The blade of a Fencing blade is made out of tempered steel, making it able to withstand a great deal of pressure, while bending, before breaking. The guard at the base is either made out of aluminum or titanium, and the handle is either rubber or a molded alloy.

(new person) but you could practice with wooden swords. theyre fun. xD
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Usually the blade is made of some kind of bendy metal, so when you lunge or stab your enemy it is clearly visible. The inside of the blade and some of the handle has wire inside to electronically sense the details of the hit (who hit first, where did you hit, etc.) And also, a fencing weapon is not tecnically a sword.

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Where did fencing oringate?

It originated in ancient Egypt. There are pictures they made of themselves fencing with masks and swords.

In fighting do they use swords?


Are fencing swords real swords?

No, but they were before fencing became a sport. Since they no longer have sharpened edges or tips, they are not considered real swords, and are called 'Weapons'. Calling a Foil, Epee, or Sabre a 'Sword' in a room full of fencers will only result in a room full of glares or scoffing. Fencing swords are not real swords because when they are made, one thing is kept in mind, the sharpeness of the blade. The blades are not that sharpening as compared to the real one. After all you want to use it for home decor purpose and not for cutting or thrashing.

Why do you need fencing equipment to play fencing?

if you didn't have fencing gear, you would die. ppl have died even IN fencing gear. your using SWORDS to FIGHT WITH.

What is the sport fencing in Egypt?

In Egypt, fencing is the sport involving combat between two individuals armed with swords. In Arabic, fencing reads as مبارزة

What country did fencing come from?

the sport of fencing essentially comes from swordfights, which have existed since swords were created.

What is a fight with swords called?

A sword fight would be the simplest way to call it. Fencing is the verb.

What does the word l'es crime mean?

éscrime means fencing (as in swords)

Which sport do you sue a foil and a Sabre?

These are the swords used in the art of fencing.

Why people like Fencing?

Fencing is one of the longest-running sports in history. In addition to that, it is one of only four Olympic sports that has had a place in the Olympics every four years since the beginning of the modern Olympics. Fencing is not only a sport that uses swords, it uses three different kinds of swords.

What is used for fencing?

There are three types of blades [swords] one is foil, sabre, and epee

Did the Native Americans use fencing?

No. They didn't create swords to fence, if they created any.