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Q: What are facts about samurai temples?
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Samurai believed their swords were there souls. Samurai named their swords.

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They will hang you if you disrespect a samurai. until that law was outlawed.

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There were no temples dedicated to Ouranos.

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They will hang you if you disrespect a samurai. until that law was outlawed.

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there is one in egypt in thebes are many temples in no loner standing, currently is luxor

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Made in 1842 bc. by the aliens that also made the Aztec temples.

How would a samurai prove its devotion to amida buddha?

A samurai could prove its devotion to Amida Buddha by regularly reciting his name in a practice known as the Nembutsu, studying Amida Buddha's teachings, making offerings at temples dedicated to Amida, and performing acts of kindness and compassion in alignment with Amida's virtues.

Are there any holy cities in relation to Zen Buddhism?

I don't know, but there are a lot of Zen temples in Kyoto, Japan. I doubt they'd express it using the word "holy" but so many temples has to make it pretty special. As well as Kyoto, Kamakura near Tokyo has many very important Zen temples. This reflects that the Kamakura era was the start of the "Shogun era"...and Zen Buddhism was very popular among Samurai.

Facts about the roman empire?

Facts about the Roman empire include the fact that the Romans worshiped a variety of gods and held the first Olympic events. They were also accomplished architects and engineers, designing coliseums, aqueducts, and temples.

What Ancient Hindu Temples?

Well there are many facts, different for each of the temple. WATCH this awesome video of 21 Famous and mythological temples, you would gain some good insights about the greatness of Indian heritage.

What term was given to the warriors or knights of feudal Japan?


What is a geisha samurai?

Historically there are no geisha samurai. It was impossible for a woman to become a samurai. Geisha often entertained samurai but were never considered a samurai themselves.