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Q: Was billy jack a karate blackbelt?
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Is jack from kickin it a real blackbelt?

No he is not. He does not really take karate.

What is blackbelt in karate?

A blackbelt is considered an expert in karate. He/she is called Sempai. However you have to attain 3rd Dan to become an instructor.

What level is a blackbelt?

the highest rank in karate

What is Billy's weapon of choice in the movie Billy Jack?

Karate because he did not have anything else to use

Does anyone have a tenth degree blackbelt in karate?

Certainly! I have had the honor of training with two of them, both natives of Okinawa.

One Tin Soldier was the theme song for what 1970s vigilante movie about an ex-Green Beret karate expert?

Billy Jack

If your 14 and you recently started karate how long would it take to get your blackbelt?

it would take 3 or 4 years to get a black belt

Did tom laughlin know martial arts?

Tom Laughlin did know martial arts and was trained in Hapkido karate by karate master Bong Soo Han. Laughlin was mostly known for his Billy Jack films.

What nicknames does Billy Jack Haynes go by?

Billy Jack Haynes goes by Billy Jack Haynes.

Is it illegal to have a red belt in karate in the US?

No, there is no restriction on belt colors in the US. In some styles, red indicates a level in the kyu range. In traditional Okinawan karate, red indicates someone that is 9th or 10th degree blackbelt.

When was Billy Jack?

Billy Jack was created on 1971-05-01.

What is the duration of Billy Jack?

The duration of Billy Jack is 1.9 hours.