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Q: Was Muhammad Ali being bullied or laugh at because of his color?
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Why was green Prophet Muhammad's favorite color?

The prophets faviroute coulour is green because it is the coulour of nature and the first man to wear it was prophet muhammad.

Why were African American Slaves bullied?

Because of there color. They were beaten and abused because they were seen like nasty people. If your color was dark then you were a bad person and dirty. They use the *N* word to call them. Which I preferred not to say it.

What is Muhammad's favorite color?

According to an article posted on "The Onion," in July, 1996 Muhammad Ali stated that his favorite color as "Yellow" because "It is a very pretty color. It reminds me of daffodils in the springtime." The article cited can be seen in the related link.Previous to 1996, he stated that his favorite color was black.According to CBS news, Muhammad Ali's favourite colour was black, due to some sort of religion.- Tristess131

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What is the word called when you pick on a coloured person?

The term for picking on someone based on their race or ethnicity is racial discrimination or racism. It is important to promote equality and respect for all individuals regardless of their race or ethnicity.

What is Muhammad Ali's favorite color?

According to an article posted on "The Onion," in July, 1996 Muhammad Ali stated that his favorite color as "Yellow" because "It is a very pretty color. It reminds me of daffodils in the springtime." The article cited can be seen in the related link.Previous to 1996, he stated that his favorite color was black.According to CBS news, Muhammad Ali's favourite colour was black, due to some sort of religion.- Tristess131

How many kids are bullies?

lots of kids are being bullied all over the world in schools probably cause of there clothes or the color of their skin also the way they look and where there from help kids from being bullied. if we work togehter we can STOP bullying.

Whats muhammad alis favorite color?

# its yellow

Does prophet Muhammad pbuh dislike red color?

Yes, for men.

Who is Muhammad ammar khan?

Muhammad Ammar Khan is a boy who was born on September 3 2001 and is awesome and a daredevil and he was born in Dubai and his favorite show is ben10 and detenionaire. His favorite color is red. Finally his dream to be a boxer because it help get muscles and get lots of money.

What is the color of corundum?

Corundum has no streak color. Because of being a clear white or light blue, its streak is actually clear.

What is Muhammad Ali's eye color?

blue on the right eye black on the left eye