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What is the retirement age for someone born in 1954.

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Semiretired means that one is working part time earlier than the usual retirement age or earlier than one's expected retirement at a later age. It does NOT have to do with ill health or advanced age.

What is the retirement age for a lawyer?

There is no mandatory retirement age for a lawyer.

What is the retirement age of IAS officer?

the retirement age of IAS officer is 60 year

What is the retirement age for a supreme court judge?

The retirement age of a supreme court judge is at 65 years of age.

What age should one start planning their 401k retirement plan?

A person retirement age determines when and how a person can access a persons retirement money. Retirement age rules vary from plan to plan and from country to country.

What is the retirement age of a judge in the Philippines?

The retirement age for judges in the Philippines is 70 years old.

Do real estate agents retire?

Yes. They are also included in the age of retirement. Though retirement age vary on different states, realtor agents do have a level of retirement age.

When is full retirement age for those born in 1986?

Retirement age for someone born in 1988

What is full retirement age when born in 1955?

66yrs 2months

What is the official retirement age in the Bahamas?

The official retirement age in the Bahamas is 65 years old.

Where would I find the early retirement age for the military?

There are several websites that have information about early retirement age for the military. Check these websites,, and

What is retirement age if you were born in 1967?

67. Depending on what year you were born, full retirement age can range from 65 to 67. For those born 1937 or earlier, the retirement age is 65. For those born in 1938 or later, the retirement age gradually increases until it reaches 67 across the board for those born after 1959.