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from a Christian perspective the body is a temple used to worship God and therefore should not be harmfully or majorly altered as it is a representation of God's creation

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Q: Religious attitudes to performance enhancing drugs?
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What are the types of performance enhancing drugs?


Are performance and enhancing drugs legal?

Not in the U.S

Is using drugs in sports cheating?

Depending on the drug(s). Performance enhancing drugs is a no. Something like Ibuprofen is ok.

Why do religious believers think performance enhancing drugs are wrong?

its very logical...only blind people cant see that drugs and other stupid things destroy your life.

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What performance enhancing drugs have been banned in sport?


What do performance enhancing drugs do to you?

they make ur testies smaller

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What ethical theories support a ban to performance enhancing drugs?

There are many ethical reasons to support banning performance enhancing drugs. Namely, they take the sporting element out of the game, because they give one player an unfair advantage. Additionally, performance enhancing drugs can have negative side effects, and an overdose can lead to coma or death.

What makes a snow leopard fast?

It takes performance enhancing drugs

Is there a rule in Baseball prohibiting the use of performance enhancing drugs?
