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Of course it isn't too late! Some of the best martial artists I know did not start their journey until they were in the 30's and 40's. The teenage years are an execellent time to begin, they usually have very good focus and undertstanding of what they are looking for. Jet Li stated in his website, that if its for a hobby, or just self defense, then there is no real age limit provided the person is in good physical condition. If all they are in for is a hobby, a sport, whatever, then no, its not too late. There other issues regarding schools though; namely the fact that not all schools are good with dividing age groups. I've seen places where supposedly adult time slots have 10 year old in them. Some places are so poorly run, they just bunch everyone there together, and the adults spend most of their time babysitting rather than learning Martial Arts. If you are concerned that they are "too old" it means the school is packed with little kids I take it? If that's the case, then they will probably need to train in the adult time slot if there isn't one for teens.

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Certainly it is worth starting! I started when I was 42 and now run my own dojo.

I started Karate at 13, then around 15 quit until I was around 48 or so. I had to start over of course at the later age, and will test for my third dan soon. I've seen other students start in their late 50's and 60's as well.

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