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he was a christian.

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Q: Muhammad alis better known name was before he joined the nation of Islam?
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How did Malcolm X join the Nation of Islam and Elijah Muhammad?

he was received by his brother how was a follower of Elijah Muhammad in prison. Malcolm took on the virtue of knowledge and when he got out of prision in 1952 he went to find Elijah Muhammad and joined the Nation.

What state was a nation 10 years before it joined the union?

Texas was an independent nation (Republic of Texas) for 10 years before it joined the Union as the State of Texas.Hawai'i was an independent nation (Kingdom of Hawai'i) for 103 years before it was annexed by the United States as the Territory of Hawaii. Hawaii was admitted to the Union as the Stat of Hawaii in 1959.

Who was the leader of the nation of islam?

The leader of the Nation of Islam (NOI) is a man named Louis Eugene Wolcott who is better known as Louis Farrakhan Muhammad Sr.

What is Elijah Muhammad's occupation?

Elijah Muhammad is a/an Leader of the Nation of Islam

Why Did Muhammad Ali Leave the Nation of Islam?

He didn't leave the nation of Islam

Which group did Malcolm X join while he was in prison?

he joined the nation of islam and ebdfhrbtgb3rtubgh

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what nation that had signed a nonaggression pack with Germany eventually joined the allies

Which is the nation which joined united nations organization recently?

Montenegro joined 28 June 2006

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West Germany joined NATO in 1955.

Why did Michael Jackson change his religion to Muslim?

He adopted his name when he joined the Nation of Islam (which was sort of a different sect of Islam at the time. They had accepted their leader, Elijah Muhammad, as the Messiah/Mahdi, and had some racist ideas as well.), but he converted to Islam in 1975 when Elijah died and his son, Warith Deen Muhammad, took control of the Nation of Islam and reformed it to more mainstream Islam (including rejection of Elijah as God on Earth, rejection of racism, closer ties to the Muslim community, and the Five Pillars of Islam). Muhammad Ali attributes his conversion to this shift toward Islam by the Nation. Perhaps he realized that Islam was much better than the ideas of Elijah. Hope that helps.

What did Malcolm X did after jail'?

He joined the Nation of Islam

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They joined in 1956