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No, the language is simply Japanese. It was heavily influenced by the Chinese and the words are written the same way, but often pronounced differently depending on whether you are on Okinawa, Japan or China.

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16y ago
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13y ago

Most karate schools use Japanese for the basic terms and counting. However, if it is a Korean based karate, they will use the Korean terms. While they use different languages, the techniques are going to be pretty similar.

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15y ago

"Karate" - it is Japanese and means "Open Hand" or "Empty Hand".

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15y ago

No, karate is an Okinawan word for a martial art that has spread throughout the world.

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2y ago

Karate Language originated in Japan. It became developed from the indigenous Ryukyuan Martial Arts. Ryukyuan martial arts turned into stimulated by means of kung fu

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Karate is normally said the same way in every language. It is one of those words that is imported into a language.

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Karate is not a language, it is a martial art. The word karate originated in Okinawa, now a part of Japan. It means Empty Hand, but at one time was also known as China Hand.

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The bullied boy showed strength and skill.

What is karate in Chinese?

If you are talking about language it's 什么是空手道 (Shénme shì kōngshǒudào)

Does karate come from the Japanese?

It comes from Japanese, kara, meaning empty and te, meaning hand.Technically it should be karate-do, do means way so it becomes the way of the empty hand. By empty hand here they mean without weapons.

Does martial arts have a language?

There is not a specific language. Terminology used tends to use the language of the country of origin of the particular art. Karate uses Japanese, Tae kwon do uses Korean, Kung Fu uses Chinese, etc.

What is the best karate movie?

try karate kid, it is very funny... hope i helped

How many karate kid movies have there been?

There were 4: 1)Karate Kid 2)Karate Kid Part 2 3)Karate Kid part 3 4)The next Karate Kid.

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Isshunryu Karate-Do is a type of karate founded by Shimabuku Tatsuo

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In simple language, it refers to the teaching of basic techniques in a karate class.