Yes, most of the stories are fake and some of the hitting and matches are fixed. The injuries are real and usually anything that has to do with the McMahons, Stone Cold, DX, and celebrities along with some of the love stories like the Lita/Edge/Matt love triangle.
In the Westling game, the winner of Sam Westling's will was his niece, Mary Westling.
Daniel Westling's birth name is Olof Daniel Westling.
Daniel Westling is 180 cm.
Dominica Westling is 5' 4".
Dominica Westling was born on 1984-10-02.
Mook feltcher
sucks at westling!!!!!!!!!!!
Lester Westling has written: 'Manual for ministry to prisoners of war returnees and their families in the long-term readjustment period'
no all fake. no way
You have to beat the sumo westling challenge