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In Korean Tae Kwon Do, green belt is the third belt after white belt and means that you are of intermediate rank and may progress from solo one-step forms to free sparring.

The green belt represents a student's progress toward black belt. It represents a certain level of skill or a certain set of skills. Each school sets its own curriculum, so two students from different school with a green belt might not know all the same kicks, blocks or forms.

All belt systems are based on the system developed by Kanō Jigorō, the Japanese founder of Judo (and Jujitsu.) Originally, there were six student grades referred to by number. A student would begin at Grade 6 and work up to Grade 1: (6) white, (5) yellow, (4) orange, (3) green, (2) blue, (1) red. Then they would graduate to black belt. The black belts were divided into 9 ranks. A student would begin at Rank 1 and work up to Rank 9. Black belt ranks have been standardized, but student grades have not.

Poetically, the green belt represents a plant growing from the earth as the student's skills develop.

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15y ago
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15y ago

Each individual, family and school will have different ways of celebrating different rank advancements. One contributor to this page celebrated her first rank advancement with the whole class in a restaurant for a Pizza dinner. This same contributor celebrated her second rank advancement with the whole school at a park with a potluck in a park. her third rank advancement coincided with the school Christmas party.

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14y ago

Every Taekwondo school will have a different set of ranks. At one school, belt test are conducted every six months and the green belt is the fifth belt to be earned: white, (1) yellow stripe, (2) yellow, (3) orange stripe, (4) orange, (5) green, so it takes about 15 months to earn the green belt. Other schools might not use the orange belt or the striped belts, and they might test every six months, so then you would go from white to yellow to green in just one year.

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14y ago

Not all schools teach the same forms, and not all schools have the same number of belts, so the answer to this question will be different for differente schools. At one school the green belt form is won-yo and the high green belt form is yul-gok.

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13y ago

The stripe was most likely a decoration or something else. In tae kwon do there can be a green belt with a blue stripe but not a black one. the belts go. White, white-yellow, yellow, yellow-green, green, green-blue, blue, blue-red, red, red-black, Black, there are 10 dans (degree's) of the black belt.

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12y ago

Yes, in some Taekwondo organizations the gold belt is one of the color belts used in the progression towards the Black Belt.

Taekwondo ranking systems typically have student grades called "geup" (grade), and expert levels called "Dan" (degree). The student begins at a white belt, which in Korea is called "mu geup" (no grade) since it is technically not a graded promotion yet. The grades start at a high number, and count backward to the lower number as the student progresses in rank and skill. The yellow belt is either a 9th grade or 8th grade ("gu guep" or "pal geup"). The highest grade before Black Belt is 1st grade, or "Il geup" in Korean terminology.

The choice of using a different color belt for each geup, or using fewer belts with taped stripes on the ends is up to the school master (sabeom), or the organization's Grandmaster (Kwanjang). Which colors to use, and the order in which those colors are used to represent each belt grade is optional, and up to the Master or Grandmaster.

In the U.S. Chung Do Kwan Association, under Kukkiwon 9th Dan Sr. Grandmaster Edward Sell, the gold belt is the third level.

White = no grade or 10th level

Yellow = 9th geup

Gold = 8th geup

Orange = 7th geup

Green = 6th geup

Purple = 5th geup

Blue = 4th geup

Red = 3rd geup

Brown = 2nd geup

Brown with Black stripe through middle = 1st geup

Black = Dan (1st through 9th)

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10y ago

It will depend entirely upon the school and how they wish to do it. Most have white, yellow, blue, red, and black. ---- also green

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13y ago

yes there is a green belt in taekwondo, but for some clubs different ranking systems are used.

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13y ago

The belts vary based on the school and style of karate. Most of them include a green belt in their ranking system. It is usually about halfway between white and black belt.

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